Securing the benefits of technological advancement
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been helping organisations improve the efficiency of processes by automating routine business processes for a number of years – indeed, the automation of back office processes has become an increasingly standard offering. The more recent development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) adds a new layer of autonomy to robotic automation due to its "self-learning" capability, opening up the possibility of automating more processes and more steps in those processes.
The market is rapidly advancing with recent developments in technology.
- We are now seeing advances in the application of RPA and AI in customer-facing functions as providers add cognitive capabilities to their tools.
- Large scale automation is possible and end-to-end processes can be performed with very little human interaction.
PwC has estimated that 45% of all work activities eventually might be automated this way (PwC: Organize your future with robotic process automation).