Join us on Thursday 10 December at midday for our Future Contracts Webinar.
Smart Contracts, visual contracts, the legal implications of the Sharing Economy. We've all heard these phrases bandied around in the context of commercial contracts. But what do they mean, and how will they affect your business? This session will demystify and arm you with the questions you should be asking and the changes you should be considering within your business to ensure that it is fully equipped to embrace the changes to come and remain profitable.
Topics we will cover:
The seminar will include a practical review of emerging law and practical consequences of the following:
- Smart Contracts: what are they? Are they relevant to my business?
- Visual Contracts: do they have a role in my business? If so, where will they be most useful? and
- the Sharing Economy: what are the pitfalls and how will I help my business avoid them?
Event details
Thursday 10 December 2020
12:00pm - 13:00pm
Click here to register