Our Mock Employment Tribunal is an unmissable event for in-house employment lawyers, HR professionals and line managers alike, offering the opportunity to gain the experience of an employment tribunal in a safe environment. Valuable lessons will be taken back to the business, without having to pay out any compensation or suffer any reputational damage.
The event has been scheduled by popular demand, in light of the abolition of ET fees and the increased number of claims being lodged, and will be run in conjunction with Devereux Chambers such that you can see real-life counsel in action. Their competitive nature will ensure that the Mock Employment Tribunal is the next best thing to being in a real hearing (as well as being lots of fun!). The Judgment will be determined on the day based on the evidence given by live witnesses.
Delegates will be given packs to take away including the pleadings, witness statements and the relevant documentation relied on by the parties.
Event details
Time: 13:30 registration for a 14:00 start, finishing at 17:30 and followed by a drinks reception
Addleshaw Goddard LLP, Milton Gate, 60 Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4AG
The cost of this event is £149 plus VAT.
We are offering an early bird discounted rate of £99 plus VAT for any reservations placed on or before 16 May 2018.
To reserve your place, please email renee.lofthouse@addleshawgoddard.com
An invoice will follow by email.
Please note that room capacity is strictly set at 70 so places will be on a first-come first-served basis.
CPD points will be available.
Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.
Please see our Privacy Policy for information about how we use your personal data.