Becky is an Associate in the commercial disputes team, where she qualified in September 2018 after completing her training contract with the firm.  Becky has a broad experience of commercial disputes, including advising clients on breach of contract claims, contract termination, business protection litigation and applications for urgent and injunctive relief (as applicant and respondent).  

In addition, Becky is also part of the Competition Litigation practice and regularly advises on substantial multi-jurisdiction competition law disputes in follow-on claims. 



  • Acting for a national retailer in its defence of a multi-million pound alleged breach of contract claim
  • Advising a food manufacturer on related contractual disputes, including defending an injunction application
  • Representing a company in a dispute with its CFO and successfully obtaining a without-notice injunction for preservation and delivery up of confidential information along with an affidavit as to use


  • Representing the NKT group of companies on the defence of three separate follow-on damages cartel claims in the High Court (and later the Competition Appeal Tribunal) arising out of the European Commission Power Cables decision
  • Acting for the Road Haulage Association (alongside Backhouse Jones) in proposed collective proceedings following the Trucks cartel