Explore our Brexit insights
We regularly publish updates, articles and newsletters that explore how would the Leave vote impact your business and industry.

3 October 2016
Brexit: Mergers & Acquisitions - What does it mean for M&A transactions?
This update gives a snapshot of some of the issues to be considered if you're in the process of Mergers & Acquisitions transactions in the UK.

26 September 2016
Brexit and Dispute Resolution - The EU Perspective
This bulletin highlights some of the disputes related issues which EU businesses and their advisers need to be thinking about now, in light of the UK referendum result, despite the uncertainty as to how matters will ultimately pan out.

14 September 2016
What impact could Brexit have on the UK railway industry?
The fallout from the Referendum vote that will result in the United Kingdom leaving the European Union presents a number of challenges but also a number of opportunities for the railway industry.

1 September 2016
Brexit: Pensions
Following the UK's vote to leave the EU, the Pensions Regulator issued a statement setting out the approach it expects schemes to take in the light of the vote.

1 September 2016
Could Brexit halt the sugar levy?
Manufacturers and industry bodies in the food and drink sector have raised concerns that the sugar levy will impose an undue burden on an industry that is already fragile following the impact of the Brexit vote.