Disrupting the status quo!
The Global Energy transition represents a pathway toward overwhelming transformation in the way in which we produce and consume energy across the globe. The process to be undertaken is gargantuan in its efforts and will be aided through a myriad of information technology, smart technology, policy frameworks and market instruments.
On the 24th November we are hosting the third in an 8-part series of global webinars, which will investigate the transition and subsequent opportunities.
You are invited to join us, virtually, for the next instalment in the series, centred on Nordic region activities.
Hosted by Addleshaw Goddard's Energy and Utility specialists and joined by a series of industry expert delegates we will look at the role of the Nordics in the transition.
Hosted by:
- David McEwing, Partner, Co-Head Energy & Utilities
- Rory Connor, Partner, Infrastructure, Projects and Energy
Joined by:
- Richard Thompson, Partner, Foresight Group
- Gokce Mette, Research fellow; Industrial Energy Transition, Stockholm Environment Institute
- June Snemyr, Partner, Energy, Thommessen
- Lars Ole Sikkeland, Head of Innovation and Knowledge Management, Equinor Legal
Additional speakers to be announced
Event details
10.00AM - 11.30AM (GMT)
Click here to register