27 September 2023
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Flexible Working: Is it all change?

To The Point
(6 min read)

Flexible working remains high on the agenda this Autumn.  We are seeing a renewed focus on working patterns and as hybrid working has changed the way many of us work, businesses are still finding the right balance and looking at ways to encourage greater office-based working.  While employers are mindful of the well documented advantages of staff being present in the workplace, workers' desire for more workplace flexibility continues to be an important consideration.  What are the latest developments and what do they mean for employers?  

A recent survey from Gartner has found that 59% of candidates who had accepted a job offer said they had done so because it offered greater flexibility in when or where they worked.  Data from LinkedIn earlier this year indicated that more than a third of UK workers would have quit their job if their employer demanded they return to the office full-time.  

This is a hot issue for employees and one which employers need to address, so what are the latest developments and what do they mean for employers?

Hybrid/Remote Working
Flexible Working Requests
ACAS draft Code of Practice
Non-statutory Flexible Working
What does it mean for employers?

To the Point 

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