This month's roundup of developments affecting banks, wealth managers, brokers and funds sees the financial service sector publish an article on "Brexit effects: too early to speculate", ESMA publish responses to call for evidence on asset segregation, a discussion paper on MiFID II derivatives trading obligation from ESMA and a £34m customer redress scheme agreed with a payday lender.

Read the issue in full

General Developments

  • ESMA consultation paper on RTS specifying the scope of consolidated tape for non-equity financial instruments
  • ESMA methodological framework - model written arrangements for benchmark colleges
  • Compromise proposal on Regulation amending EuVECA and EuSEF published
  • BoE speech - Rebuilding Trust through the FX global code
  • FSB Implementation of G20/FSB financial reforms in other non-priority areas – Summary of key findings
  • Speech on combating financial crime from FCA
  • EC's overview of its level 2 measures in financial services
  • Wealth managers set for seven month winning run
  • FCA publishes new form for notifying transaction reporting errors
  • Dark pool reference prices: occasional paper from the FCA
  • Financial service sector Brexit effects: too early to speculate
  • AIMA survey shows change in business models
  • EACB responds to ESMA consultation on Distributed Ledger Technology applied to securities markets
  • European Parliament motion for a resolution objecting to Delegated Regulation on RTS on key information documents for PRIIPs
  • ESRB responds to ESMA consultation
  • ESMA discussion paper responses on distributed ledger technology applied to securities markets

EMIR & Derivatives

  • ESAs' opinion rejects proposed amendment to draft RTS on non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives


  • ESMA publishes responses to call for evidence on asset segregation
  • House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee considers proposal to amend EuVECA Regulation and EuSEF Regulation
  • ECB opinion on a proposed Regulation amending EuVECA and EuSEF Regulations
  • CLLS publishes response to FCA's consultation on proposals for additional reporting requirements for AIFMs

Investments & Investment Services

  • ESMA Q&As on MiFID II and MiFIR transparency topics published
  • ESMA consultation: draft RTS under SFT Regulation and related amendments
  • Deadline extended on cross-border distribution of investment funds consultation
  • Discussion paper on MiFID II derivatives trading obligation from ESMA
  • FCA's market data reporting under MiFID II

Market Conduct

  • Final guidelines on inside information and commodity derivatives under MAR
  • ESMA consultation - Trading obligation for derivatives
  • £34m customer redress scheme agreed with payday lender
  • Corrigendum to Market Abuse Regulation published by the Council of the EU

Key Contacts