The latest news, comments and insights on all things housing. We blog regularly about a wide range of issues from planning, to property, finance and corporate with lawyers from different parts of our firm contributing.

17 August 2018
The rise of Planning Performance Agreements
Do revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework relating to Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) represent an application fee increase in all but name?

21 March 2018
"It's all about Supply, stupid!"
In this blog, Gary Sector and Daniel Marston discuss why the Planning system in England remains a recurring play thing of Government, a tool with which to bash recalcitrant local planning authorities and/or developers.

2 March 2017
Build to Rent and later living
In this blog Peter Hardy discusses Build to Rent and later living.

2 March 2017
Housing White Paper: A plan-led system at last?
The flagship proposal in the Housing White Paper: "Every area will be covered by a plan" could finally make a reality of the vision for local development frameworks set out in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Read more...

13 December 2016
Thoughts on the proposed new social housing regulator
In this blog Peter Hardy discusses consultation published by the Department of Communities and Local Government on social housing regulation.