"If Glasgow fails, everything fails", it is the COP of the "last chance", "last hope": Here are so many words that show the climate emergency in which we find ourselves today.

The Conference of Parties (COP) organized since 1995 (COP 1 in Berlin) is now for its 26th edition and is more important than ever.

The stakes are high because today, the climate objective of limiting global warming to a level well below 2, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to the pre-industrial level is very far from being achieved. 

On the contrary, the various reports published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), prove how serious the hour is: rain for the first time on top of Greenland, deadly floods all over the world, devastating fires, drought episodes, heat waves never recorded and an annual rise in ocean levels multiplied by two. Thus, the year 2021 has been revealing the worrying situation in which we find ourselves. These extreme events call upon us to act urgently.

In order to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, a real hope is therefore put in the holding of this COP26 to obtain promises from the states to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, promises of carbon neutrality, etc.... Also, the question of financing, which is essential for the implementation of the measures that the states will take, must be addressed because today words alone are not enough, real actions must be taken; and for that the states need money.

Thus, at the opening of the negotiation procedures, we hope that the States can, during these few days, take the necessary decisions in order to preserve the climate for the present and future generations.

Author: Doris Azifan