Included in this issue: A sigh of relief from providers of free Wi-Fi?; Sounds like copyright infringement; ECJ Rules on repackaging of trade-marked parallel drug imports and more...
A sigh of relief from providers of free Wi-Fi?
- Business owner provides access to free wi-fi for customers
- Copyright infringement by a user of the free wi-fi
- Is the business owner liable to compensate the rights holder?
For further details click here
Sounds like copyright infringement
- Claim that a nightclub manager authorised the infringement of copyright by the playing of music without a licence
- The scope of who can authorise a copyright infringement is wide
- Important to ensure all necessary licences are in place for any copyright being used
For further details click here
ECJ Rules on repackaging of trade-marked parallel drug imports
- Guidance from the ECJ on parallel imports
- Goods imported from one part of the EU to another
- When can the importer repackage the goods and re-affix a trade mark to comply with the local market?
For further details click here
IP licence validly terminated for breach of confidentiality
- What intellectual property (IP) did each party acquire during the administration of Kemutec Powder Technologies Limited (KPTL)?
- Was a licensee estopped from disputing a licensor's ownership of IP?
- Was a licence validly terminated for disclosure of confidential information during the due diligence stage of a corporate acquisition?
For further details click here
Infusing sense into a dispute between competitors over confidential information
- Dispute arises when customer uses confidential information relating to the manufacture of infused oils to become a competitor
- What length of injunction is an appropriate remedy?
- Guidance provided by the High Court
For further details click here
Measuring success in a claim for passing off
- Claim brought in the IPEC for passing off in relation to the shape of measuring cups
- Claimant asserts rights in the get-up of the product
- IPEC considers whether a claim for passing off can be brought in relation to the shape of a product alone