How Social Distancing Will Impact Scottish Construction Sites

The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 requires all work places to put all reasonable measures in place to ensure adherence to the two metre rule at all times.  As the construction sector gears itself up to re-start in Scotland, difficult questions remain.

AG's construction and health & safety teams in Scotland invite you to join them for an online lunchtime webinar exploring these questions by way of a number of short talks followed by Q&A.


  • How strictly the Regulations will be interpreted in practice, and how the Scottish approach compares to that in England
  • Where the time and cost risk of necessary measures falls
  • How these matters are being dealt with in negotiations for upcoming projects.

Event details

22 May 2020

13:00 - 13:50

Zoom (sign-up required)

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