Data Download Webinar
As GDPR has bedded down, there is no doubt that regulators and courts across Europe are differing in their interpretation of the law – we don’t need to look much further than the recent Meta enforcements to see a stark example of this. What does this mean on a practical level for international organisations seeking to comply with the law?
In this webinar our data privacy partners from France, Germany, Ireland and the UK will guide you through:
- The unique approaches we are seeing emerge in their local jurisdictions
- How this is impacting organisations
- Steps you can take to manage the impact
- What else might be on the horizon
- Helena Brown (Partner, Commercial and Data Protection & Head of Data)
- David Hackett (Partner,IP/IT & Data Protection)
- Elisabeth Marrache (Partner, IS and Technology, Data Protection & Intellectual Property
- Manuela Finger (Partner, Intellectual Property, Data Protection & IT, Commercial)
Event details
If you have any questions that you would like to raise on the topics ahead of the webinar or any other queries please contact our Events team.