The Addleshaw Goddard Charitable Trust
More of what matters
For over 30 years the Addleshaw Goddard Charitable Trust (Charity number: 286887) has been providing support to a wide range of local, national and international charities. The charity is separate from Addleshaw Goddard LLP, although our guiding ethos and focus on "more of what matters" to communities aligns closely with the culture of Addleshaw Goddard - and draws on strong links that Addleshaw Goddard's people have built over many years with the local communities where we live and work.
As well as donating to the 'Charities of the Year' chosen by Addleshaw Goddard people across our UK offices, the Addleshaw Goddard Charitable Trust has also recently supported appeals for COVID, Ukraine, and the flooding in Pakistan. We have also matched donations to many charities that AG colleagues have raised funds for personally.
In the last year, the trust donated over £180,000 to charities such as OXFAM, Cancer Research UK, Brain and Spine Foundation, the Kusasa Project, Little Princess Trust, Bookmark Reading Charity, Amref Health Africa, and Smart Works.
With pressing needs in all of our communities, it is a privilege to be able to support a variety of imaginative fundraising activities arranged by colleagues at AG for a diverse range of charities. As well as matched funding for the personal charitable work undertaken by many Addleshaw Goddard team members, and substantial donations over the years to a 'Charity of the Year' selected by our people, the Trust has also responded to national and global appeals. It has been moving to hear from many charities that our donations have had a positive imapact. We remain committed to 'more of what matters'.
Jonathan Cheney
Chair of the AG Charitable Trust
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