
Anna began her career as a Commercial solicitor at Eversheds and has been a professional support lawyer/knowledge lawyer since 2007. She supports the Infrastructure Projects & Energy (IPE) team and is also the sector knowledge lawyer for the Energy and Transport sectors at AG. She has extensive knowledge of both energy and transport (in particular rail) regulation and keeps the team abreast of legal and market developments in these fast-moving sectors. She writes regular client updates on energy, transport and infrastructure developments.

Some of the work she has done to help clients and her team includes:

  • a booklet giving an overview of electricity and gas law in the UK, for a client moving to an energy company as an in-house lawyer
  • horizon scanners for various clients including Asda and Siemens (also attended the Siemens panel day in November 2019 where she updated them on the latest changes to the capacity market scheme)
  • regular client and internal team updates on energy law and market developments
  • a comprehensive monthly legal update for the Infrastructure Projects & Energy (IPE) team
  • delivering Rail regulation training as part of the twice-yearly AG Rail Academy, for clients and AG lawyers working with the rail industry


Professional Memberships
  • International Project Finance Association
  • UK Tram