Our Real Estate team often provides deal updates, insights and opinions in various industry, local and national publications 

See what the team is talking about here: 


MIPIM 2017

CoStar - MIPIM 2017: Leeds' biggest delegation hits Cannes (March 2017)

Property Week - Mipim 2017: can Cheshire’s science corridor carve out its very own ‘golden triangle’? (March 2017)

Place North West - Cheshire promotes science ‘golden triangle’ (March 2017)

Bdaily - North West business leaders hail ‘golden opportunity’ for investment in the Cheshire Science Corridor (March 2017)

Insider Media - Cheshire states ‘golden triangle’ science and tech ambition (March 2017)

The Business Desk - Science corridor 'can drive Cheshire growth' (March 2017)

Property Week - Mipim 2017: how can the UK’s property sector steer through choppy waters? (March 2017)

Property Week - Mipim 2017: the industrial revolution (March 2017)

EGi - Action urged to unlock industrial space in wake of critical shortage (March 2017)

Property Week - Mipim 2017: helping smaller councils become wiser councils (March 2017)

Property Week - A look back over Mipim 2017 (March 2017)

Logistics report: How soon is now?

Property week - Thirdy party logistic providers – the space race (February 2017)

Estates Gazette - Big house in the prairie (March 2017)

BBC World - Leona Ahmed interview (March 2017)

Yorkshire Post - Key moment to showcase world-class developments (March 2017)


Nancy McGuire in Manchester Evening News - Addleshaw Goddard to advise MAG on £1bn transformation (February 2016)

Nancy McGuire in The Business Desk - Addleshaws wins £1bn airport transformation brief  (February 2016)

 Nancy McGuire in Greater Manchester Business Week - AG to advise MAG on £1bn transformation (February 2016)

Logistics report: How soon is now? 

Estates Gazette - Lack of shed space ‘could hit growth’ (November 2016) 

Planning Resource - Report urges planners to allocate land for logistics (November 2016)

The Planner - Report: UK requires more industrial space to grow (November 2016)

Property Week - Rise of online sparks fears of shed crunch (November 2016)

Retail Gazette - The UK needs 18m sq ft of distribution space to meet demand (November 2016)

Drapers - Shortage of warehouse space to lead to price rises (November 2016)

CityAM - Amazon-mageddon: Prices set to rise online due to lack of warehouse space (November 2016)

The Telegraph - More than a quarter of warehousing let this year was taken by Amazon (November 2016)

Retail Gazette - The UK needs 18msft of distribution space to meet (November 2016)

Retail Systems - Addleshaw Goddard Industry space research (November 2016)


Co Star - Billion pound University estate savings urged (December 2015)

Estates Gazette - £5bn potential from student digs upgrades (December 2015)

Builder & Engineer - Developers and investors still not fully aware of risks in student housing (December 15)

Marnix Elsenaar in Property Wire - American and Continental style Build to Rent set to take off in UK (October 2015)

the BusinessDesk - Bruntwood acquires major site on Albert Square (October 2015)

Manchester Evening News - Bruntwood acquires Commercial Union House (October 2015)

Place NorthWest - Bruntwood buys in Albert Square (October 2015)

Lee Sheldon in Costar - UK commercial property annual performance has passed peak, says IPF - September 2015

Leona Ahmed in Property Week - Don't tar and feather all foreign investment (September 2015)

Marnix Elsenaar in Property Week - Development rights extension delayed (July 2015)

Actuarial Post - New 'lifecycle' insurance helps pension funds portfolios (July 2015)

Marnix Elsenaar in propertyreporter.co.uk - Build to Rent is the beginning of 'rental revolution' (July 2015)

Estates Gazette - £30bn pipeline fuels PRS revolution (July 2015)

Inside Housing - Close to a third of starts for rental (July 2015)

UK nears 'rental revolution' as London PRS market takes off (Property Week) - July 2015

Bruce Lightbody in Property Week - The Summer Budget: industry reaction (July 2015)

Construction News - The Summer Budget: as it happened (July 2015)

The Planner - The Summer Budget: Impact on the North (July 2015)

Estates Gazette - Tech tardiness presents great opportunity (March 2015)

Estate Gazette - LGC takes half of Mediccity (March 2015)

Jane Hollinshead in Estates Gazette - London Forum looking forward to MIPIM (March 2015)

Marnix Elsenaarin Architect's Journal - Budget 2015: the industry reaction (March 2015)

Marnix Elsenaar & Peter Kershaw in Building Construction Design - Budget 2015 responses and comments (March 2015)

Marnix Elsenaar in Green Building Press - Osborne's Last Budget Less Green Than Ever (March 2015)

Jane Hollinshead in Estates Gazette - Retail must go high tech (March 2015)

The Lawyer - Manchester hotel development guided by Addleshaw Goddard (February 2015)